The Arab Kim Kardashian Is Also A Walking Billboard

Maya Diab is a celebrity, but unlike Kim she has done something with her life other than an adult tape. Maya hosts TV shows, sings (decent songs). Now she is collecting a paycheck for endorsing a product, a makeup company called Make Up For Ever, launched a line with Maya, water based makeup is a big deal for many. Maya will do well selling products for the masses.

Maya has her own makeup bag too, and a complete line of makeup that Maya swears by. The company made a promotional video for their event where Maya is looking gorgeous with that makeup, you can see loads of ladies waiting to snag some of those products and sure there is a number of makeup artists who are ready to convince women that they need this product of that. Everyone wants a piece of the glamour business.

Aside from that, Maya talked shop about her reaction to summer albums, she seems to love Elissa's album and she also seems not to have taken the time to congratulate Haifa Wahbe on her smashing album MJK. I like the bit when Maya said she forget to go to this big gala in Lebanon.

مايا دياب: نسيت موعد الموريكس ولم أهنئ هيفا

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