Mikey And His Auto Tune- Badawar Aleha

Auto-tune was fun for few weeks, until everyone started to use it and we got screwed. The computer affect made popular by American rappers have traveled the world and back. Just like Mikey sings in his new single, he wants to tour the world in search of the one girl of his dreams. Not sure if Mikey picked auto tune in his wide travel or not, but I am not happy about it. Though I do enjoy the English and Arabic hybrid song. The music video is made for 15 year olds, it has humor and random elements, and so are some of his Arabic lyrics. I think the only one having having here is Mikey who got to travel and do cool stuff for this music video of his. He plays a really convincing tourist. Mikey - Badawar Aleha / مايكي - بدور عليها

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